Report Your Trip

Travelling does not only mean visiting interesting places, it means living experiences, any trip is a personal experience that remain inside ourself for the rest of the life, and is our real richness that no any economical system on crisis can take it away.

In this section you can use the following web tool for sharing your trip on Cuboviaggiatore. The form will require you the relevant information for editing and publish your trip report post.

Using this form you can tell as a diary (day by day) about your trip together with your pictures, your maps, your description of the places but especially your emotions and see it published on Cuboviagiatore where you can share to your friends and get votes and comments from them.

You can share your trip with your friends using the sharing tool at the end of each post.

Your friends, your relatives, your parents, etc.  can vote for your trip simply clicking on the Like it!" in the correspondent facebook post.

The best trip report published will receive as award a CV Uphill T-shirt from CV Shop. This challenge will end on December the 31st